Hulk Scrapbooks! Hulk Happy!

hulknortonThis weekend was awesome! I was waiting for it all week long last week (the week felt interminably long and when the weekend came…it was like…SUCH relief!

We did a few errands, but mostly we just hung out. Went bowling with some friends on Saturday (And Terry won! He was very proud of that). Actually it was so much fun we’re considering joining a “lousy bowlers” league this summer wonce Terry  is out of school.

Also we watched “The Hulk” movie that came out last year with Edward Norton. It was actually pretty good. I wasn’t expecting it to be that good because Edward Norton kind of annoys me and the first Hulk movie was so bad. But…I actually recommend it. I would give it a 7 out of 10 because it was acted well, interesting, great effects and not too long.  Also there was a cameo at the end of Iron Man (i.e. Tony Stark) hinting at an upcoming “Avengers” movie . How cool was that?

So here are the layouts that I created this weekend at Paper Popsicles “Love is in the Air” online crop event. I had a total blast.

This layout is of Terry and I at an AC/DC concert. We had great tickets…it was so loud but really good. The challenge for this layout was to use a song title as the title of your layout. Also we got extra points for encorporating a music note in the layout.


This layout was part of a challenge to use the title “Three Things I Love About You” and then, of course, list the three reasons. This layout and a previously posted Christmas layout…were both accepted into Basic Grey’s (the paper manufacturer) online Gallery. I’m pretty excited about that! it’s a big honor!


I love this layout…the colors are so much fun and it has so much texture. The challenge was to use the elements of L.O.V.E. (L = Layers, O = Orange, V= Variety of Embellishments, and E = an Everyday Photo). This layout is actually a scraplift of a layout my friend Martha created a few months back. Thanks, Martha!


And lastly, this layout was a challenge where we had to answer all these questions and then do up a layout with them. I asked the set of questions to both myself and Terry…then created this little…”He Said/She Said” sort of layout. I love it!


kreativAnd, we won an award from Stacy (Brutus the Pug’s Mommy). It’s for being a creative blogger! There are simple rules…you merely have to list 6 things that make you happy. The only thing hard about that is narrowing it down to only six!

Okay, six things that make me happy are:

  1. Snuggling with Terry and the pugs on the couch in the evening while watching tv.
  2. Scrapbooking when I have a good idea and you can see the page coming together just as good as it looked in your head.
  3. Icy cold rootbeer from the bottle.
  4. Planning for vacations. Sure the vacations themselves are fun (don’t get me wrong!), but I really, really, really like planning them!
  5. Friday Night Dates. I love going to a restaurnt on friday nights and relaxing, talking about the week and winding down. This has been something I’ve done every (thursday) or Friday night every since I was about 16 I guess. From when I was a kid with my parents to now, going out with Terry…I always have a night out on Friday. It’s tradition…and sometimes the most comforting things are the traditions we embrace.
  6. Choolate. This doesn’t really need an explanation; who doesn’t love chocolate? It does make me happy. Love the Ghirardelli dark chocolate squares the best because they are portion controlled!

And I’m passing this onto…


Enjoy and I can’t wait to hear what’s making YOU happy right now!

~ by Nevis on February 9, 2009.

22 Responses to “Hulk Scrapbooks! Hulk Happy!”

  1. Oh wow your pages turned out so nice! I wasn’t home all that much this weekend to even get online until last night. 😦
    I love the paper on the last page!
    I didn’t mind the first movie too much, I mean it definitely could have been better but I did love the Edward Norton one. It was different, it skipped the stuff we already knew and went on with the rest of the story. Plus Tim Roth was pretty freaking cool in that movie (have you caught his new show, Lie to Me? Really good!)
    There are soooo many comic based movies coming out soon, i can’t wait!

  2. Okay, I can’t stop laughing that your initials are “T&A”
    (Please understand I’m laughing WITH you, not AT you…as our initials are “S&M”)

  3. *bowing down to the superiority of your scrapbooking skills!* OMD! Those are some great pages! Congrats on your award!
    Hugs & Snugs
    Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

  4. thank you for the award! cool scrapbook layouts, I need to find time to scrapbook again! but i will have to wait until I move out of the apartment… I also liked the Hulk with Ed norton, the one with c. bale was sooooo bad!!!

  5. Ok first of all I LOVE your scrapbook pages! They are all so good! You are never allowed to look at mine now. 🙂
    And thank you for the award! I shall go post about it now. xoxo

  6. Oh, and number 4? Me too, for sure. LOVE the planning so much! I love making the lists and doing the research. Love it.

  7. Congrats on your award — your pages are beautiful! I decided a while ago that my scrapbook page skills are not up to snuff, but I do enjoy making cards! 🙂

    And I watched “The Hulk” with my boyfriend under diress a month or two ago, and I was also surprised that I wasn’t completely bored and annoyed through the whole thing!

  8. Terry wants to be a Time Lord when he grows up – LOL!

  9. Awww pug hug! Have you seen the shirt at Forever 21 that says Pugs Not Drugs. I wore it yesterday! 😉

  10. hi there… HULK is verry BIG BODY BEIB he.he…
    We do the same thing with the HULK!

  11. Congrats on your award. Your scrapbook pages are great, so creative. Mom hasn’t seen the Hulk yet, but an Avengers movie sounds fun.


    PS mom says thanks for the comment about protecting PlusOne from the floods. She did check, the blue jeans are like an inch or two longer than the black ones. sigh.

  12. I’m looking forward to the Avengers movie!

  13. You have the best scrapbook pages! We love the pug hug one the most.

  14. i LOVE your layouts… i especially love the pug one! so adorable!


  15. love the layouts!

  16. Wow those pages look great! You wer wonderful at scrapbooking!

    I agree with you, the second hulk was better.


  17. Hey! I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting us :o) Hmmmm, I actually LOVE Ed Norton, luv him!!
    Those scrapbooks are so cool, i’m off to check that place out….i’m a bit of a collage nut, you may have noticed 😀
    Ooh, we got the same award recently….from Pugs too, how weird is that? Roxy and Lucky.
    So anyway, thanks for your visit and comment, glad you enjoyed the sky shots!

  18. Thanks for the award!! lol

    Yea you would know if they had it, it almost sounds like they are choking or wheezing. Yea Indy prefers to sneeze on electronics, computer screens or my stereo in the car! And of course us! lol

  19. Congratulations! This blog post was featured in the latest Carnival at We would love it if you’d let YOUR blog readers know too… you know, share the love! Happy Valentine’s Day! Craft Critique loves you!

  20. Dude. Two things:

    I once bowled a 192.

    Ed Norton is one of the greatest actors in hollywood right now. We just watched that sam Hulk movie last weekend and it was pretty good!

  21. I think I’ll do this tag. Yours was so good.
    Yay!!! I found someone else who is a little annoyed by Edward Norton!!! And every since he had that surprise ending in that movie with Richard Gere, I really don’t like him. He must be a good actor. LOL

  22. Loving the layouts. Pug hugs, awwwwwww.

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