Doctor Hooters

sleepyOver the weekend we started watching a new show. Okay, it’s certainly not a new show, but it’s new to us. “Doctor Who” originally ran from 1963 to 1989, then was successful relaunched in 2005. It is actually a Guinness World Records holder for the longest running science-fiction television show in the world. And it’s actually quite good! (We’re watching the relaunch show that started in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor).  We can stream it live off Xbox via our subscription to Netflix. Cool, huh? 

Here are some cute pictures of the puggies snuggling in my lap as we watched tv. Aren’t they just too cute?


~ by Nevis on January 20, 2009.

15 Responses to “Doctor Hooters”

  1. They are so cute!!

    It’s funny you said that, Shane was telling me that Gus was awesome and barely limping at all at the vet and was very excited to be outside. But when he walked inside the house he started limping heavily! The lil faker! He has a sprained ankle and is on some anti inflammatories for the next week.

  2. They are adorable. They do exactly what Mandy and Tuffy do as we watch TV or movies. Must be a dog thing. 🙂

  3. They are cute! I am glad they help you keep warm… lucky you!

  4. We watch that show too, and we love it!!

  5. I envy you for what you are about to experience. Every season gets progressively better, I think. Enjoy!

  6. Can’t watch TV without being surrounded by your loved ones. My pug, Fuji, lays up on the back of my old chair, keeping my neck warm.

  7. hi allison!
    hug the puggies for me!

  8. thank you for coming to my new site! And I am so glad your feeling better from your swelled face. It’s not good to make mama’s worry

  9. I was a huge geek for the original Doctor Who series — I had to rush home every evening to catch it on PBS. I haven’t been watching the new series regularly though. I hear the current Doctor is the best since Tom Baker.

  10. Haha the poor guy! He is pretty much back to normal now, a little hesitant on jumping on and off the furniture but that doens’t stop him.

    I have been scrapbooking! I just haven’t posted it lol I have done 8 pages for my book and 2 pages for a gift I am doing. 🙂 I promise I will take pictures soon!!

  11. Aw, look at those cute puglets. I love it when Clover is snuggly like that!
    Haha, my boyfriend was terrified of the Dr. Who theme song when he was a kid – he used to run away from the tv sceaming if his dad tried to watch it… lol

  12. The pug photos are very cute. Cool about Doctor Who. Mom never got into it. As for photos of PlusOne and blackmail, mom has two that she CANNOT post. One is of PlusOne in bed with us and his hand in his pajama bottoms and the other is him in the tub on his stomach. Can you say “Lotsa Blackmail Fun?”


  13. Oh yes, they look so snuggly! Jon watches that Dr. Who show sometimes, but I have never gotten into it–I’m just not a tv watcher!

  14. If you like that, watch Torchwood! Both are fantastic shows!

  15. […] I found the cast and story to be strong on the third Christmas special. I was more happy to watch Doctor Who Confidential at Christmas 2007 because they played clips from Kylie Minogue’s hit songs. […]

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